07 September 2007

where are they now?

Social media has done wonders in terms of reacquainting with old friends. Between facebook, myspace, linkedin, flickr, etc. it's no longer all that difficult to keep in touch with random people from college, high school, or junior high even.

Today I had a thought about this guy that I hung around with in college. For a little while there, we were almost joined at the hip. So I'm a stalker and googled him. It came up with a few results, only a page and a half. But in that page and a half, those 16 results, only one of them correctly identified him. And it was from college. Now this guy was kind of a big guy on campus his last year or two, and I'm fairly certain he's making a splash where ever he is now, but really? No results?

He hasn't joined up on facebook or linkedin or anything? And where are all those college references that I'm relatively certain should be included? What happened to this kid?

Anyway - what that really makes me think about it this. Once the social networking and genereal Web 2.0 stuff began to saturate the market and I jumped on board, how would I go about wiping my slate clean? How could I essentially erase my existence from google for example? If I wanted to disappear into the woodwork, I suggest that I'd first have to lay off the twitter, but really...how does that happen?

And mr. random college friend who was once one of my best friends, wherever you are, I hope you're well. :)

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