18 June 2008

ergo chair

I feel like I've made it with my new ergonomic chair!

it's like sitting on a cloud, i tell ya. i've thought so since the first time my tooshie ever had the pleasure of landing in one of these amazing things. My friend Mark got his early in my early days here at Waggener - he's been here like 4 years. another colleague received hers after only a few weeks, but was returning after a four-year or so sabatical. my old manager recently received hers, but vacated it when she moved to another office. sad that the chair could not accompany her, but you leave, you lose. ;)

best i can tell it's a mix of seniority and longevity that leads to someone getting an ergo chair, and it looks like today was my day!

i want to take a moment, perched at the perfect height and angle, with the lumbar support positioned ever so perfectly in the small of my back, to say - thank you to all those who knew that my day would come - that i would ever get to fully experience this level of comfort.

here's hoping my productivity increases as my back pain decreases. now if only i could score a cube with a window...

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